Demetrios Christodoulou: Nemitsas Prize

We are delighted to announce that Professor Demetrios Christodoulou was awarded the 2016 Nemitsas Prize in Mathematics.

by Monika Krichel

Demetrios Christodoulou received the prize from the external pageTakis and Louki Nemitsas Foundation for his work on Einstein’s general theory of relativity, the stability of the Minkowski space, the creation of black holes in vacuum under strong gravitational waves and three-dimensional fluids.

Read more about the work and personality of Demetrios Christodoulou in the external pagespeech of Professor Marios Mavronicolas at the award ceremony on 3 October 2016.

Demetrios Christodoulou, Nicos Anastasiades
Demetrios Christodoulou receives the Prize from the President of the Republic of Cyprus Mr. Nicos Anastasiades (photo: Nemitsas Foundation)
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