Research reports

The block grade of a block Krylov space

by M. H. Gutknecht and T. Schmelzer

(Report number 2008-11)

The aim of the paper is to compile and compare basic theoretical facts on Krylov subspaces and block Krylov subspaces. Many Krylov (sub)space methods for solving a linear system $\bfA\bflcx=\bflcb$ have the property that in exact computer arithmetic the true solution is found after $\nu$ iterations, where $\nu$ is the dimension of the largest Krylov subspace generated by $\bfA$ from $\bflcr_0$, the residual of the initial approximation $\bflcx_0$. This dimension is called the grade of $\bflcr_0$ with respect to $\bfA$. Though the structure of block Krylov subspaces is more complicated than that of ordinary Krylov subspaces, we introduce here a block grade for which an analogous statement holds when block Krylov space methods are applied to linear systems with multiple, say $\ess$, right-hand sides. In this case, the $\ess$ initial residuals are bundled into a matrix $\bfr_0$ with $\ess$ columns. The possibility of linear dependence among columns of the block Krylov matrix $(\begin{array}{cccc}\bfr_0 & \bfA\bfr_0 &\dots& \bfA^{\!\nu-1}\bfr_0\end{array})$, which in practical algorithms calls for the deletion (or, deflation) of some columns, requires extra care. Relations between grade and block grade are also established, as well as relations to the corresponding notions of a minimal polynomial and its companion matrix. There are close connections to system and control theory, to certain areas of pure linear algebra, and to the theory of matrix polynomials, but these are only noted in the margin here.

Keywords: sparse linear systems, multiple right-hand sides, several right-hand sides, block Krylov space method, block Krylov space solver, block size reduction, deflation, grade, minimal polynomial

  author = {M. H. Gutknecht and T. Schmelzer},
  title = {The block grade of a block Krylov space},
  institution = {Seminar for Applied Mathematics, ETH Z{\"u}rich},
  number = {2008-11},
  address = {Switzerland},
  url = { },
  year = {2008}

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