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Supported by the IST Programme of the European Community
Project Number IST-2000-29445

Project summary

The objective of this project is to upgrade the existing EULER prototype service into a European based world class real virtual library for mathematics (pure and applied) by a process of technological adaptations/consolidations, and implementation of a sustainable business model and its promotion among users and suppliers.
The goal is to make the EULER service a world reference and delivery service, offering full coverage of the mathematics literature worldwide, including bibliographic data, peer reviews and/or abstracts, indexing, classification and search, transparent access to library services, cooperation with commercial information providers (publishers, bookstores) with a European basis.

Description of work:
Based on the achievements of the successfully completed EULER project (FP4 "Telematics for Libraries" project LB-5609), it is proposed that the EULER service be consolidated and adapted according to the latest user studies and experiences from the EULER project by a consortium made up of a subgroup of participants of the EULER Consortium. The EULER-TAKEUP consortium will act as a task force of the EULER Consortium to achieve the following specific goals:

Milestones and expected results:

Further information

Project Deliverables



©2001, 2002 EULER Consortium
Supported by the IST Programme of the European Community: Project EULER-TAKEUP (IST-2000-29445)