Publications of Guido Mislin

Research Papers

  1. Räume mit Operatorengruppen und Cohomologie, Comment. Math. Helv. 43 (3), 1968, 331-340.
  2. Über Gruppen, die in Cohomologie-Moore Räumen operieren, Math. Zeitschr. 105, 1968, 269-283.
  3. La formule de Künneth pour la cohomologie extraordinaire, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 267, 1968, 504-506.
  4. Über die Künneth-Formel für ausserordentliche Cohomologie, Comment. Math. Helv. 44 (3), 1969, 371-380.
  5. Two new H-spaces (with M. Curtis), Bull. Amer. Soc. 76 (4), 1970, 851-852.
  6. H-spaces which are bundles over S7 (with M. Curtis), J. of Pure and Appl. Algebra 1, 1970, 27-40.
  7. The splitting of the Künneth sequence for generalized cohomology, Math. Zeitschr. 122, 1971, 237-245.
  8. Sphere bundles over spheres and non-cancellation phenomena (with P. Hilton and J. Roitberg), Symposium on Algebraic Topology (Battelle Seattle Res. Center), Springer Lecture Notes in Math. 249, 1971, pp. 34-46.
  9. H-spaces mod p I, Lecture Notes in Math. 196, Springer 1971, 5-10.
  10. Remarks on the homotopy classification of finite dimensional H-spaces (with J. Roitberg), J. Lond. Math. Soc. XXII, 1971, 593-612.
  11. The genus of an H-space, Lecture Notes in Math. 249, Springer 1971, 75-83.
  12. Sphere bundles over spheres and non-cancellation phenomena (with P. Hilton and J. Roitberg), J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2) 6, 1972, 15-23.
  13. H-spaces of rank two and non-cancellation phenomena (with P. Hilton and J. Roitberg), Invent. Math. 16, 1972, 325-334.
  14. Topological localization and nilpotent groups (with P. Hilton and J. Roitberg), Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 78 (6), 1972, 1060-1063.
  15. Homotopical localization (with P. Hilton and J. Roitberg), Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 26, 1973, 693-706.
  16. Note on a criterion of Scheerer (with P. Hilton and J. Roitberg), Illinois J. Math. 17 (4), 1973, 680-687.
  17. Immersions in the metastable range and 2-localization (with H. Glover), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 43 (2), 1974, 443-448.
  18. Cancellation properties of H-spaces, Comment. Math. Helv. 49 (2), 1974, 195-200.
  19. Metastable embedding and 2-localization (with H. Glover), Lecture Notes in Math. 418, Springer 1974, 48-57.
  20. Nilpotent groups with finite commutator subgroups, Lecture Notes in Math. 418, Springer 1974, 103-120.
  21. Remarkable squares of homotopy types (with P. Hilton), Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matematica 5 (2), 1974, 165-180.
  22. Vector fields on 2-equivalent manifolds (with H. Glover), Conference on homotopy theory, 29-45, Notas Mat. Simpos., 1, Soc. Mat. Mexicana, Mexico City, 1975.
  23. Bicartesian squares of nilpotent groups (with P. Hilton), Comment. Math. Helv. 50 (1975), 477-491.
  24. Wall's obstruction for nilpotent spaces, Topology 14, 1975, 311-317.
  25. On the genus of a nilpotent group with finite commutator subgroup (with P. Hilton, Math. Zeitschr. 146, 1976, 201-211.
  26. Finitely dominated nilpotent spaces, Ann. of Math. 103 (1976), 547-556.
  27. Localization with respect to K-theory, J. of Pure and Appl. Algebra 10, 1977, 201-213.
  28. Groups with cyclic Sylow subgroups and finiteness conditions for certain complexes, Comment. Math. Helv. 52 (3), 1977, 373-391.
  29. Sur une conjecture de Ganea, Publ. Mat. Univeritat Autonoma Barcelona 4 (1977), 73-77.
  30. Conditions de finitude pour les polyèdres, Publ. Mat. Univesitat Autonoma Barcelona 4 (1977), 78-82.
  31. On co-H-spaces (with P. Hilton and J. Roitberg), Proceedings of the Eleventh Brazilian Mathematical Colloquium (Procos de Caldas, 1977), Vol. II (Portuguese), pp. 729-751.
  32. On maps of finite complexes into nilpotent spaces of finite type: a correction to "Homotopical Localization" (with P. Hilton and J. Roitberg), Proc. London Math. Soc. 3 (36) 1978, 213-225.
  33. Finitely dominated complexes with metacyclic fundamental groups, L'Enseignement Mathématique, Monographie 26, 1978, 233-235.
  34. On co-H-spaces (with P. Hilton and J. Roitberg), Comment. Math. Helv. 53(1978), 1-14.
  35. Conditions for finite domination for certain complexes, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 673, Springer 1978, 219-224.
  36. Immersions in manifolds of positive weights (with H. Glover and B. Homer), Lecture Notes in Mathematics 673, Springer 1978, 88-92.
  37. On free maps and free homotopies into nilpotent spaces (with P. Hilton, J. Roitberg and R. Steiner), Lecture Notes in Mathematics 673, Springer 1978, 202-218.
  38. The finiteness obstructions for nilpotent spaces lie in D({\bf Z}\pi). (with K. Varadarajan), Inventiones math. 53, (1979), 185-191.
  39. Rational representations of finite groups and their Euler class (with B. Eckmann), Math. Ann. 245, (1979), 45-54.
  40. The geometric realization of Wall obstructions by nilpotent and simple spaces, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 87 (1980), no. 2, 199-206.
  41. On the Euler class of representations of finite groups over real fields (with B. Eckmann), Comment. Math. Helv. 55 (1980), 319-329.
  42. On the genus of generalized flag manifolds (with H. Glover), L'Enseignement Mathématique 27 (1981), 211-219.
  43. Chern Classes of group representations over a number field (with B. Eckmann), Compositio Mathematica 44 (1981), 41-65.
  44. Classes caractéristiques pour les representations des groupes discrets, Séminaire Dubreil-Malliavin Paris 1981, Lecture Notes in Math., Springer-Verlag, Vol. 924.
  45. Profinite Chern classes for group representations, Pub. Mat. UAB 26 (3) 1982, 109-127.
  46. Finite group actions on Grassmann manifolds (with H. Glover), London Math. Soc., Lecture Notes Series Vol. 86, 1983, 169-184.
  47. Profinite Chern classes for group representations (with B. Eckmann), London Math. Soc., Lecture Notes Series Nol. 86, 1983, 103-119.
  48. Essay on Hilton's work in topology, London Math. Soc., Lecture Notes Series Vol. 86, 1983, 15-30.
  49. Cohomology of classifying spaces of complex Lie groups and related discrete groups (with E. M. Friedlander), Comment. Math. Helv. 59 (1984), 347-361.
  50. Galois action on algebraic matrix groups, Chern classes and the Euler class (with B. Eckmann), Math. Ann. 271 (1985), 349-358.
  51. Locally finite approximation of Lie groups, I (with E. M. Friedlander), Inventiones Math. 83 (1986), 425-436.
  52. On the stable cohomology of the mapping class group (with H. Glover), Lecture Notes in Math. Vol. 1172 (1986), 80-84.
  53. Locally finite approximation of Lie groups, II (with E. M. Friedlander), Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 100 (1986), 505-518.
  54. Torsion in the mapping class group and its cohomology (with H. Glover), J. of Pure and Appl. Algebra, 44 (1987), 177-189.
  55. The homotopy classification of self-maps of infinite quaternionic projective space, Quart. J. of Math., Oxford, (2) 38 (1987), 245-257.
  56. On the homotogy type of the components of map_{\ast}(BS^3,BS^3). (with W. G. Dwyer), Lecture Notes in Math. Vol. 1298, Springer 1987, 82-89.
  57. Conjugacy classes of finite solvable subgroups in Lie groups (with E. M. Friedlander), Ann. Scient. Ec. Norm. Sup. 4e série, t. 21, (1988) (1-13).
  58. On the homotopy set [B\pi, BG] with B\pi finite and G a compact connected Lie group (with C. Thomas), Quart. J. Math. Oxford (2), 40 (1989), 65-78.
  59. On the characteristic ring of flat bundles defined over a number field; Cont. Mathematics Vol. 96 (1989), 291-296.
  60. Galois descent and cohomology for algebraic groups (with E. M. Friedlander); Math. Zeitschrift, 205, 177-190 (1990).
  61. On group homomorphisms inducing mod p cohomology isomorphisms, Comment. Math. Helv., 65, 454-461 (1990).
  62. The Z^{\ast}-theorem for compact Lie groups (with J. Thévenaz); Math. Ann. 291, 103-111 (1991).
  63. Cohomologically central elements and fusion in groups; Lecture Notes in Math, Vol. 1509, Springer 1992, 294-300.
  64. On the cohomology of finite groups of Lie type, Ill. J. of Math. Vol 36 (2), 1992, 275-285.
  65. On the Farrell cohomology of mapping class groups (with H. H. Glover and Y. Xia); Invent. Math. 109 (1992), 535-545.
  66. Lannes' T-functor and the cohomology of BG; Compositio Mathematica, 86, 1993 pp. 177-187.
  67. Tate cohomology of arbitrary groups via satellites; Topology and its Applications 56(1994), 293-300.
  68. On the Yagita invariant of mapping class groups (with H. Glover and Y. Xia); Topology, Vol. 33. No. 3, pp. 557-574, 1994.
  69. Mapping class groups, characteristic classes and Bernoulli numbers; CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes, Vol.6(1994), 103-131.
  70. Wall's finiteness obstruction; Handbook of Algebraic Topology (Ed. I.M. James), Elsevier Sciences 1995, pp. 1261-1289.
  71. Groups acting on finite dimensional spaces with finite stabilizers (with P. H. Kropholler); Comment. Math. Helv. 73 (1998), 122-136.
  72. The p-primary Farrell cohomology of Out(F_{p-1}) (with H.H. Glover and S.N. Voon); Geometry and Cohomology in Group Theory, Edited by Peter H. Kropholler, Graham A. Niblo and Ralph Stöhr, LMS Lecture Notes Series 252 (1998), Cambridge University Press, pp. 161-169.
  73. On the p-primary cohomology of Out(F_n) in the p-rank one case (with H. Glover); J. of Pure Appl. Algebra 153 (2000), no.1, 45--63.
  74. On groups which act freely and properly on finite dimensional homotopy spheres (with Olympia Talelli); Computational and Geometric Aspects of Modern Algebra, Michael Atkinson et al. (Editors), London Math. Soc. Lect. Notes 275 (2000) 208--228, Cambridge Univ. Press).
  75. Central extensions and generalized plus-constructions (with G. Peschke); Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 353 (2001), Number 2, 585--608.
  76. On the classifying space for proper actions; Barcelona Conference on Algebraic Topology 1998 (Edited by J. Aguade, C. Broto and C. Casacuberta). Progress in Mathematics Vol. 196, Birkhäuser 2001, 263--269.
  77. Atiyah's L^2-Index Theorem (with I. Chatterji); L'Enseignement Mathématique 49 (2003), 85--93.
  78. From acyclic groups to the Bass Conjecture for amenable groups (with A. J. Berrick and I. Chatterji); Math. Ann. 329 (2004), 592--621.
  79. Equivariant K-homology and restriction to finite cyclic subgroups (with M. Matthey); K-Theory 32 (2004), 167--179.
  80. Traces and reduced group C*-algebras (with Indira Chatterji); in: "An Alpine Anthology of Homotopy Theory", Edited by: D. Arlettaz and K. Hess, Contemporary Mathematics AMS (2006), Volume 209, pp 73 - 86.
  81. Homotopy idempotents on manifolds and Bass' conjectures (with Jon Berrick and Indira Chatterji); Proceedings of the Nishida Fest (Kinosaki 2003), Ed. M. Ando, N. Minami, J. Morava and S. Wilson; Geometry and Topology Monographs 10 (2007), 41--62, Mathematical Sciences Publishers.
  82. Hattori-Stallings Trace and Euler Characteristics for Groups (with Indira Chatterji); London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series, Vol 358 (2009), 256--271.
  83. Beno Eckmann 1917--2008 (with M.A. Knus and U. Stammbach); Jahresbericht der DMV, 112 (2010),1,25--50.
  84. Classifying spaces for proper actions of mapping class groups; Muenster Journal of Mathematics, Vol 3, No 1 (2010), 263--272.
  85. Hopf-Faserungen und Hopf-Invariante; Elemente der Mathematik, Vol 65, No 4 (2010), 193-200.
  86. A geometric criterion for the boundedness of characteristic classes (with I. Chatterji, Ch. Pittet and L. Saloff-Coste); Math. Annalen 351 (2011), 541-569.
  87. Bounded characteristic classes and flat bundles (with I. Chatterji, Y. de Cornulier and Ch. Pittet); J. Differential Geometry 95 (2013), 39-51.
  88. Flat bundles with complex analytic holonomy (with I. Chatterji and Ch. Pittet); submitted
  89. Groups with twisted p-periodic cohomology (with O. Talelli); submitted

    Books and Monographs

    1. Localization of nilpotent groups and spaces (with P. Hilton and J. Roitberg), North-Holland Mathematics Studies Vol. 15, 1975.
    2. Localisation au sens de Bousfield, Collection Mathématique de l'Université Laval 1977, No. 68-01.
    3. Topology and Algebra (Ed. M. Knus, U. Stammbach and G. Mislin), Monographie No. 26; L'Enseignement Mathématique, 1978.
    4. Selecta B. Eckmann (Ed. M. Knus, U. Stammbach and G. Mislin), Springer-Verlag, 1987.
    5. The Hilton Symposium 1993, Topics in Topology and Group Theory (Ed. G. Mislin); CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes, Vol.6, 1994.
    6. Algebraic Topology: New Trends in Localization and Periodicity; Proceedings of the Barcelona Conference on Algebraic Topology 1994 (Ed. C. Broto, C. Casacuberta and G. Mislin); Progress in Mathematics Vol. 136, Birkhäuser Verlag 1996.
    7. Algebra I, Vdf-Lehrbücher und Skripten, Hochschulverlag AG, Zürich (1998).
    8. Equivariant K-homology of the classifying space for proper actions. CRM Barcelona, September 2001.
    9. Proper Group Actions and the Baum-Connes Conjecture (with A. Valette); Birkhäuser Verlag 2003.