Trace Functions over finite fields (ETHZ HS 2014)

This page contains links to the evolving lecture notes and some other documents concerning the class.

20.10.2014: Current draft of the notes. These are very much work in progress, but will be regularly updated. They are written jointly with É. Fouvry and Ph. Michel

Older notes on exponential sums over finite fields; these can be useful for basic facts about exponential sums, basic examples of computations, and for the "Dirichlet characters" approach to the Riemann Hypothesis for curves over finite fields.

Here is a survey, written with É. Fouvry and Ph. Michel, on some of the basic notions and applications involving trace functions. (To appear in the proceedings of the Colloquio de Giorgi of Pisa).

Link to videos of a 4-hour minicourse on the topic of trace functions that I gave during the IHÉS Summer School on Analytic Number Theory in July, 2014. (The link goes to the first of the four lectures, the others can be accessed from there.)

A survey of Deligne's first proof of the Riemann Hypothesis over finite fields; this can be useful as an elementary motivation for étale cohomology.

Here is the official web page for the course with information about scheduling, exercises, etc.

Last update 3.11.2014 by E. Kowalski